From 73.00

SKU: 9869-1 Category: Tags:

It is also known as Basil Honey has many medicinal values. Tulsi, a native herb of India as the climate.

is suitable for its growth, is grown in every household has been part of our culture and traditions from.

thicker viscosity, and a dark brown hue while being a natural source of energy. “The Living Tree”

Honey is 100% Pure, Natural, Raw and Unprocessed.


more than 5,000 years. Some of the benefits of Tulsi are

• It reduces stress

• Enhances stamina

• Lowers cholesterol

• Reduces hair fall and hair whitening

• Protects against radiation

• Improves digestion

• Soothes a sore throat

• Regulates blood pressure and blood sugar

✅️ Use glass jars to keep well for a long time.

✅️ Natural honey can crystallize over a period of time. It is a natural feature of natural honey. Place the crystallized honey in a bowl of hot water or in the sun for reuse.

✅️ Generally, natural honey does not have an expiration date and it can be used for a long time.

✅️ Natural honey is highly hygroscopic in nature, easily absorbs moisture in the air and ferments. Therefore, use in clean and dry containers for dipping in honey.

✅️ Not meant for consumption for children below 1 year.

Additional information

150g, 75g


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